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Here you will find more than one hundred Moonsorrow interviews, many of which have already disappeared from where they were originally posted. Check the Index and Contact pages above and the notes in the left column for more info.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Atifah Zine / June 2000


Answered by Ville and Henri Sorvali

Well, First of All, Since Wer not so familiar yet with the band specially for our readers whom probably will become yer new fans & freaks, Would yea mind to say somethin' to my muthafukka ATIFAH readers here...

[Henri] Greetings! I am Henri Urponpoika Sorvali, I'm 21 years old (I was born in 1978) and I'm the guitarist/synth player of the mightiest band on the great Earth; Moonsorrow. Behold!!!!!

[Ville] And as well from my side, heathenish hails to thee all! My name is Ville Seponpoika Sorvali, I'm the cousin of the abovepresented, 20 years old (1980) and the vocalist/bass player of, suprisingly, the same band.

So, How's your life there !? Would yea mind to tell us 'bout the Local Scene In yer City/State ?!? What's goin' on for the Underground Scene outhere ?!!!

[Henri] The local scene of Helsinki, where we live, consists of many, many bands. There are a couple of them worth advertising like Ensiferum (power/folk/black metal), Rapture (dark metal), Gorewinter (black murder metal), Tenhi (atmospheric folk), Milkweed (death metal) and I'd also like to mention another band in which I play, Finntroll (folk/oompah/black metal). Of course there are always Amorphis, Thy Serpent, Babylon Whores, HIM, Stratovarius and dozens of uninspiring BM-combos, but I do not sacrifice any space for them right now. (And I'm not so interested either.)

[Ville] Thanks for asking, life is quite well; in brief, Finland is a good country for a metal musician to live in. What comes to the scene in Helsinki, it is pretty okay. Amongst the mediocrities which unfortunately make up the majority, there are those few worth worldwide attention, for example (in addition to what Henri listed) Mother Depth, Dauntless and Prophet.

When the band set up, please retell us 'coz maybe some of the readers here dun know 'bout the band yet !!? and also I was wondering Whom and Why created the BAND in first place ?!! How did yea all meet and decide to form the band ?? Did yea all come from other bands before it set up ?!!!

[Henri] Moonsorrow was created in autumn 1995 by Ville and the undersigned with an intention to make some cold and heathenish music. We had gathered experiences in different bands before and Moonsorrow was basically meant to be just a project among the others we had back then. However, nowadays we consider it to be much more...

So, Have yea ever changed the Line Up since beginning !? If yes, Why did yea always change the line up ?? Are there personal problems to each members therefore yea replaced the guys yea don't like ?? Explain the reasons..

[Henri] Not exactly. You see, the band was formed by me and Ville, but after we released our last demo "Tämä Ikuinen Talvi" we thought about getting a real skinbeater into our band instead of programming the drums all the time. And as we were good friends with Tarwonen we invited him to join us, which he fortunately did. And he ain't bad at all, is he...? So, the line-up is now Ville, I and Tarwonen but at gigs we have a special line-up to reinforce our sound, consisting of us three plus Shadow (Tyrant) in additional guitar and Lord Eurén (Gorewinter) in synth. And the only line-up change we were forced to do was to replace our former session synth player with Eurén. However, the reasons were purely musical.

Do you really want to become a "Real" Musician of the Underground Band as a Life or have a Band just for Fun or maybe just to express the Skills/Ideas yea have ?!! Explain. How do yea face it ?!! Anyway, Is that possible to make a Living out of Musick in yer country 'coz i see some of bands from there oftenly making tour outside of the country, right ?!!

[Henri] I am sure I won't earn much money with Moonsorrow, but I do other things for my food. After all, I am a professional musician and earn my living in different studio and live sessions with other (also non-metal) bands and artists. Just now I'm unfortunately "unemployed", and it can be seen... I've lost weight and hand't paid my phone bills. But it's life, eh...?

[Ville] I am very prepared to confront the fact that I could never make a living with Moonsorrow, eheh. Thus I have to make honourable work to survive in this materialistic society, work which depends on occassion. Of course there are bands that make big profits with their music, but still I don't believe that there would be many (in the field of metal, that is) actually making a living from it. Touring outside the country doesn't demand that much money that it would be impossible to arrange without huge record sales.

Retell us 'bout yer releases so far to Readers here ?!! If possible, Compare of each ones like which ones has the most cool one according to yea and for the fans/listeners... ?! How many Copies for the albums have sold out so far ?!!! Do yea still make some copies of it ?!!

[Henri] Our first demo "Thorns Of Ice" was made in January 1996. It consisted of two tracks of slowish and atmospheric pagan metal but we never wanted to release it due to the bad sound quality and finally because of the disappearing of already mixed material. In May 1997 we made another tape called "Metsä" ("Forest"). This time some speed was added and somehow the result became pretty more "blackish". However, we still like it very much. Then, in summer 1997 we recorded a 2-song promo tape but once again, it was never released because of the terrible sound... one could say it was a total disaster. In early 1998 we started to record our last demo "Tämä Ikuinen Talvi" ("This Eternal Winter"). Somehow everything that could have went wrong, went wrong and it took us almost a year to finish the recordings. We were more than satisfied with that tape back then but at least I consider it to be a bit too black metal for being a product of Moonsorrow. This tape, however, was sent to Swedish Plasmatica Records who offered us a deal we accepted after some negotiations and thus, in February 2000 I, Ville and Tarwonen took a flight to Kemi, Finland, where the Tico-Tico Studio was located at to record our first full-length called "Suden Uni" ("A Wolf's Dream"). It should be out when you read this and I guarantee it will kill!!! Symphonic epic pagan metal!!! HAIL!!!

[Ville] Yep, that was it. If I were to "compare" the releases in some way, I'm sure that the most BM-oriented people will dig "Tämä Ikuinen Talvi" the most, while people liking it heavy will surely prefer the album. "Metsä" is a good effort from between, so perhaps everyone could like it... well, it gathered the most negative feedback just because "Thorns Of Ice" or the promo were never relesed, heheh. I really like it anyway, but of course the album is my favourite because it is undoubtably closest to what we have wanted to create. The sales figures of the demos haven't been outstanding measured on a worldwide scale, but they have at least really surprised us; "Metsä" has sold almost 140 copies and "Tämä Ikuinen Talvi" already counts over 400! I know that eventually the sales will stagnate, but still I don't see any reason for withdrawing our demos from the market. There may always be people wanting to buy a Moonsorrow demo, and thus they deserve to get one.

What 'bout the Name of the Bands means to yea, and Does it fit/appropriate to the musick yea bring [in yer opinion] ?!? Or Does the name has an influence for/in yer life or kinda like that ?!!!

[Henri] We chose the name Moonsorrow to reflect the melancholy and beauty of the night - the harmony of souls. And yes, I think the name fits our music perfectly.

I wonder if yer an Underground Band, Did yea have difficulties when yea set it up like a Finance, Equipment or somethin' else ?!! Or maybe Yea have a Studio Recording for release the stuffs ?!!! And also Did yea make a cooperation in distributing of Yer previous stuffs [Example, For Demo/Tapes !!!] to the Labels outside and inside of yer country ?!! How's the Distribution so far and any bad problems happened lately ??!

[Henri] All of our material except for the album have been recorded in different home studios and thus there haven't been any crucial expenses to pay for, if we don't count buying new guitar strings or drum sticks etc. to be a major loss.

[Ville] Of course economical problems are always present on this level, for instance I still haven't got proper bass equipment. I would hope to get some financing for all these material things, from royalties or whatever; in another case getting a well-paid job is the only option, and that's not particularly easy in the situation of a (yet) uneducated and occupationally inexperienced university student like me. What comes to distribution, things are already sorted out for our album by our label so we don't have to worry about it. The demos are of course another issue; not that it would have been too difficult to get them to various distros, but the quantities have always been so small (3-5 copies per distro) and usually it has been us who have had to pay for it... most distros prefer trading, which is of course very understandable, and in addition the postal charges bite a lion's share from the budget of an underground artist. Fortunately enough we have never been seriously ripped off by anyone running a distribution service.

Have yea got Sign or Deal with the Labels there ?!! Have yea ever feel that some day/one day If Yea were get a deal/signing with LABELS, There's a possibility for Label to Rip yea Off ?! What do yea think and say 'bout that if truly happened to yer band !!!??? What are yea gonna do ..

[Henri] Yes, by now we do have a deal, as I explained in the sixth question. However, we trust 100% on Plasmatica as they trust on us, and I don't think they will rip us off. Of course, if they did... I'd get a boat ticket to Sweden right away with a baseball bat as my only luggage, heh. Seriously, I think rip-offs ruin the scene and deserve to rot in Niflhel forever!!!

Ok,... Whom always DE-composed yer mu-SICK and Lyrics in every songs significantly ?!! How did yea make such as a musick and What have influenced the Lyrics too.. or Does yer Culture influence the lyrics too or even in yer life anyway ?!!! Also Tell us 'bout the ART-work for all yer releases if possible like Whom the ARTist is for the Covers Lay out and 'bout the Fee for the ARTists, Did yea satisfy with the results ?!!

[Ville] Until today, most of the music for Moonsorrow has been composed by Henri while the lyrics have been particularly my field. Of course I have every now and then intervened the composing process with surprisingly good results considering my talent, and it eventually seems that Tarwonen will also be contributing to our compositions in the future. I think I will keep writing most of the lyrics with a little help from my fiancée (who has wrote 1 1/2 songs for us this far), but naturally I do not reject any good lines from the other members. I can't tell how has the music gotten the shape it has, it has just happened. In the early days we had strict influences from bands like Enslaved or Bathory, later also Emperor with the 2nd generation of Black Metal in whole, but I think we have gradually been learning to make things our way and now our sources of influence are not particular bands. There for certain is something in the surroundings that moulds our music, because even though we don't force our music to be what we want it to be, it still always sounds "heathen", it always sounds Finnish and it always sounds Moonsorrow. Obviously because we are all very fond of our culture, our origin, legends and tales, the beauty and cruelty of nature etc. and as a matter of fact, our music and lyrics are a hail for nature and the pre-Christian North. Coming to artwork, it is very important in supporting the atmosphere of music, and we have always sought for the most suitable pictures for our covers. We have got ourselves through it with extremely low expenses; the cover for "Metsä" was a photograph taken by Henri (which I fucked up when scanning it), the cover for "Tämä Ikuinen Talvi" was a photograph taken by a friend of Henri and the cover for "Suden Uni" was a painting by a formerly unknown friendly artist. The inlay pictures for the album were taken by my father and my fiancée's family, so we haven't really gotten into debt because of our artwork. And what's the most important, we are satisfied with it!

What do yea want from yer fans or Listeners when they heard yer musick for example, Get Suicide, Kill, Just enjoy the Lyrics, Feel the Emotions from the band's mucisk, etc.- ?!!!

[Henri] I think every musician in some way wants the listener to be influenced by his music, be it emotional or musical. I'd like to see the listener of Moonsorrow to fly away from the modern world for a moment to the realm where swords clatter, arrows fly and honour is more than just a word. To reach the gates of Valhalla, to stand proud on the shores of north... to the world of which our music, lyrics and ideology are all about.

Tell us 'bout yer Life, What did yea do beside playing in this Band and Studio Working ?! Or somethin' like Sports, Drink Beers, etc.-. How's 'bout yer fave Authors and Books ?!!! Also Do yea like HORROR movies and Stuffs like that in yer leisure time ???

[Henri] Besides Moonsorrow, I do have a lot of another bands/projects, like Finntroll, Luokkasota (70's prog/metal), Lunar Womb (neo-classical folk/ambient) etc. etc. Basically, music is my life... it takes most of my time anyway because I study it daily (in Helsinki pop/jazz conservatory), practise it, compose different styles of it, listen to it... you know what I mean? Anyway, besides that I hang with my girlfriend, pals, I love to read, cook and of course one of my dearest hobbies is just to do nothing (with occassional moments with beer, of course). And about horror movies... there is hardly anything better than watching a great horror flick with lots of alcohol and friends.

[Ville] Also I have some other bands/projects, however I'm not that active musically (mostly because I don't do it for a living). Besides Moonsorrow I beat skins (hah hah) in a rock band called May Withers and I'm hoping to contribute to the resurrection of our former black metal band Thornfrost. There are numerous *projects* as well, but they are not to be mentioned because of their obvious unimportance. Although being less active musically, music really fills my life anyhow; if not playing or composing it, writing articles related to it for Meathooked 'zine, making serious loss with it through Meat Hook Productions, I simply listen to it. Fortunately, as my life would be rather empty if only filled by music, I also do have a fiancée and a few friends to hang out with, studies in mathematical sciences and a couple of beers to drink now and then.

Well, Do you still like the 80's Metal bands !!? What are your comments 'bout their growing to the 90's and have influenced 90's bands ??

[Henri] I sure do! Excluding all the wimpy pussy bands playing their disgusting German-influenced melodic crap, I like Kreator, Iron Maiden, Sodom, Kiss, WASP, Metallica, Motörhead, Venom, Bathory etc. etc. But looking at many of them now... well, it is so sad what happened to some, like Metallica. That kind of bands have my deepest loathing because of what they are today... daring to call themselves metal. Bah!

[Ville] Are elephants big and gray...? Of course I like 80's metal bands! Slayer, Kreator, Bathory, Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Testament... they all belong to my all-time favourites. I'm also one of those trendy bastards who don't pay much respect to their "maturation" (with some namely exceptions), but they do what they want to do and I concentrate on listening to their old albums instead. There would be something terribly wrong if 90's bands weren't influenced by the old masters, after all no one can avoid their effect, I just hope that people would stop cloning them and invent something "new".

What are yer fave Bands, 'Zines and Labels today ?!! [If possible, Included Local & Foreign !!!] Specially for yer fave band if there is, Have they influenced yer music, How ?!!!

[Henri] My faves are Bal-Sagoth, Cannibal Corpse and King Crimson. But Bathory belongs also to this category of my all-time favourite bands. Of zines I'd like to mention Isten, Mimes Brunn, Eclipse, Ledo Takas and Freezing Flames. And the labels... well, it's sad that Misanthropy stopped their activity 'cause I think it was the best label ever. Other great labels I respect for their attitude and music they publish are Osmose, Hammerheart (HOL), Nocturnal Art and some other but smaller labels like Plasmatica or Native North.

[Ville] I listen to hundreds of different bands in totally different genres and thus it is very hard to list any absolute favourites. Bands I usually give as my top3 are Bal-Sagoth, Slayer and King Crimson, but dozens of others could as well deserve their share of gold, silver and bronze. Bands I listen to have of course influenced me in a way or another, but the influence does never directly reflect in my compositions. My definite favourite zine must be Isten and my dearest label was of course Misanthropy Records, both for their controversial nature.

If you saw other Bands' playing on Gigs, Whom has the most brutal or impressive gig/show in yer country/State [in yer opinion] for Local Bands and Foreign Bands ?!? Also, We wonder, What's yer opinion if There's a Band bring cover songs from other bands on stage ? Do yea like it ?! Or Did yea ever try to bring a cover song when yea were on Stage/Gigs ??? IF Yes/No, Why ?!!!

[Henri] Well, I really liked Cannibal Corpse when they were here in autumn '98 and of course Impaled Nazarene (hail Mika!) and Barathrum are always a pleasure to watch on stage. About cover songs... sometimes it's ok but when you see a bunch of 14-year olds executing a WASP cover song (or the worst - a Venom track) during their cheesy set of untalented and crappy Black Metal it gets a bit out of hand, you know. We've never played any covers with Moonsorrow (mainly because we've had only a couple of gigs to this day) but we're planning to do a Merciless song called "Back To North" (from "Unbound") and maybe a Storm-cover of "Oppi Fjellet". The latter, however, is mostly based on an inside joke and if we decide to play it, we sing it in Finnish with the Finnish version of lyrics, which by the way tell a tale of a lonely snowman. Sick, ehh...? :)

[Ville] Perhaps the best gigs I've ever seen were the festival appearances of Therapy? and Machine Head and the club gig of Testament this year. Undoubtably Slayer and Pantera at Nummirock festival two years ago also belong to this cast, as well as the true Metallica in 1992, and that Cannibal Corpse show Henri told about was a blast as well. Of local bands at least Finntroll, Don Huonot and Sentenced always kick ass live. Cover songs usually give an extra kick to the show if they're arranged well, but sometimes they just kill the feeling. It all depends on who plays who.

Anyway in yer other free time, Do yea like Porno Stuffs XXX or Shit like that ??! If yes, Who's the Big Porn Stars in yer country/City ha...ha. ?!!! So, If There were an opportunity to be a XXX Porn Stars he...he...he..., Did yea want to take it ??! If NOT, Why ?!!! If Yes, Whom the Artists yea want to dig out then ??? Describe yer fave girls to taste ha...ha...ha...

[Henri] The only Finnish international porn star I know is Henry Saari (also known as "Henry the Great"), but maybe there are some others too which I just haven't heard of. If I ever acted in a porn movie, it would be really X-rated stuff and only for the real freaks. You see, I'm kinda overweighted, heheh. My fave girls? Anyone with a decent face, a pair of tits and a cunt.

So, When did you yerself first get into the Underground Scene ?? How's ' bout other members !!? Would yea mind to compare it to the present from the past, Any Changes yea see now ?!!!

[Henri] I entered the underground scene as late as in 1993, but it wasn't until 1996 when I finally started to get contacts with other people via internet and trading demos. I liked it more back then than in the last 2-3 years, mainly because of the huge expansion of crap bands and all the "very evil and satanic" kids who entered the scene. Now I see the positive movement rising because mostly only the dedicated are left. And that's good. I don't think we need people to ruin the scene but to make it stronger. Hail!

[Ville] I think it was in 1993 or 1994 when I first got familiar with the underground, but my real activity had to wait until 1997 when I started to gather numerous contacts. It all seemed much nicer 6 years ago, and still in 1997 it was cool to be involved, but then something happened... the "scene" lost much of its reliability and also the quality of new bands went way down. The end was not in sight, but eventually it seems that the posers and rip-offs are now leaving for good. I know that we will never get back to what they say it was in the beginning of the 90's, but it will certainly get better than this.

Yeah, Could yea tell us 'bout one of Yer best GIGS/SHOWS there, How's the Audience ?! Was it Great ??? With whom for the Last Show.. Also How's 'bout the FEE for yea, Did they pay yea well ?!!! Have any experience with Bad payment, Where ?!!! So, Did yea make a Tour or Show to show so far to promote yer releases now ?!!! How's the requirements to invite yea to play on GIG/Show !?!

[Henri] Well, as I said earlier, our live performances have been very rare... and as a matter of a fact, we've only done two gigs now (both in april 2000). But we're definitely going to do it more in the future. The only things we demand from a gig operator are travelling costs, food, a place to sleep over (if the venue is too far) and some beer. And of course we do not refuse to take any money, but we do not necessarily demand it.

Anyway, Have yea ever thought in mind to end this Band !? If NOT, So What's yer motivation behind it ?!!! 'Till How's Age, Yea want to quick from band and Metal/Underground Scene specially ?!!! or probably, Do yea have a Project stuff to do like playin' in other Band or Tell us if Yea have part/full time JOBS too to cover a music, I guess ?!!!

[Henri] The story of Moonsorrow comes to an end in the very day all the members loose their interest towards the band... which I think is pretty absurd thing to happen in the near future. We all have very high hopes and motivation towards the band.

[Ville] Of course there will be time for Moonsorrow to split up, but only after conquering the world. Seriously though, time does not set the borders - we will still be rockin' at the age of 50 if we just feel like it! For what comes to side projects, my love for different styles of music will never let me give them up, but Moonsorrow will certainly remain my main focus. We all have to work to stay alive, but I hope it will never interfere our musical activities.

What's yer comment if There Some Bands or Labels didn't support each others, just 'coz of in Different style of MuSICK !!? Shall we give them a Fuck Off ?!!! Do yea ever feel like it there ?!!!

[Henri] It depends... I wouldn't give a flying fuck for supporting a glam rock band but I think you mean the music styles within the borders of metal, right? I say it's a terrible stupidity e.g. from a black metal band not to support a death metal band just because of their slight varieties in the music style, after all, it's METAL for fuck's sake!!!!!

[Ville] This ultimate display of ignorance fortunately seems to be fading, supposedly mainly because most of those "true evil" dudes have grown tired of keeping up to their image. Of course I'm certain that there still are some people in the countryside of Bulgaria or wherever who hate us because we do not play black metal, but yes, we should give them a big fuck off! I at least accept (almost) all kinds of music and I'm able to find my favourite bands inside any genre.

Back to yerself . When did yea first learn yer own instruments yea played !!? Did yea have educational background for the instruments yea play before and How's bout others ??? Whom have influenced the character of yer own instrument in Band and Bands too entirely ???!!!!

[Henri] I started to take piano lessons when I was only four years old (!) and after playing classical music for ten years I switched to jazz in the process, which I have now studied for over eight years. But while I begun to learn jazz (which, frankly said, has never interested me much, but it of course is a very important basis of my whole "other styles of music" -career) I started to explore what else a man can do with a piano than just the abovementioned. And so I got interested in synths and finally how to use them in the music style I love the most: Metal. When I was 12 years old I started to play guitar. (Angus Young and Adrian Smith were my greatest idols! :) But I can also handle bass- and some drumwork. Nowadays I admire mostly composers (which is what I've been mostly doing for the last 2-3 years) such as J.S.Bach, Ludwig van, Grieg, Dvorak, Wagner, Vivaldi, Jerry Goldsmith, Anssi Tikanmäki, Danny Elfman; and of course the two mightiest composers in the metal scene: Ihsahn and Jonny Maudling. But when just playing the keys I'm very influenced by Jens Johansson. (Although it has nothing to do with Stratovarius - take a listen to his solo albums... weird, freaky and extremely well-played sick shit.)

[Ville] I first tried the piano as a kid, but I got fed up with it within a year. Then I got interested in the guitar (as everyone else did) but I never learned it either, and at the age of 13 came the drums and the bass. I soon gave up the bass and decided to concentrate on the drums, and only after "Tämä Ikuinen Talvi" I got more interested in the bass again. The only musical education I've had is a year of piano lessons, another year of drum lessons and a few extensive music courses in comprehensive school and secondary high school, meaning that I have barely reached the basics. All additional skills I may have gathered are self-taught. The band that is the most responsible for my interest in playing must be Metallica, and Lars Ulrich in particular, and later when I got interested in more technical instrument handling (heh don't worry, I'm not capable of that myself!) I begun to admire such drummers as Dave Lombardo, Commando Sandoval, Sami Kuoppamäki and Hellhammer, as well as collectively superhuman performers like Atheist, Cannibal Corpse and King Crimson. My favourite bass monster through all eternity has been Steve DiGiorgio (and the more after I had seen him live with Testament in May 2000...!), but we should not forget Les Claypool or John Myung either. W.A. Mozart, J.S. Bach, D. Elfman and J. Maudling are my ultimate composer idols (even though I'm not much of a composer myself), and for the sake of not discriminating lyrics writers, my definite fave is naturally Byron Roberts.

So, If Yea played some instruments in the band, What is yer fave trade mark/label/brand for the instruments yea used for Rehearsal, on Tour/Shows or also in Stuido Recording for example BC. RICH/IBANEZ/JACKSON GUITARS, TAMA/SONOR, MARSHAL/CRATE SOUNDS SYSTEM, BOSS/D.O.D. PEDAL EFFECTS, . etc.- I believe Yea know what I mean !!! Then How did yea find yer own original sounds with that Instruments ?!!!

[Henri] Korg for the keys, Ibanez for the stringed ones.

[Ville] My official Moonsorrow instrument is a Samick jazz-bass; very heavy-duty but sounds damn good.

What's yer comment on BOOTLEGS Recordings and Stuffs or D.I.Y. records Which make a duplication of every releases of the bands without their permission and license.. Also what are yea gonna do if yer releases bootlegged by some people and Labels ?!!

[Henri] Bootlegs suck, mostly. I don't quite get the point why someone wants to steal from a band by pressing illegal copies of their albums, or the worst; publishing something the band wouldn't even publish themselves because of terrible sound-quality etc. etc. It's harmful, rips everyone off (except for the greedy motherfucker who sells it) and is usually very bad promotion for the band. The only positive aspect in bootlegs is the admirable fact that the band is somehow popular... like the more bootlegs there are around, the more popular you are.

Okay, Sometimes sounds like shit too. So, Do yea Smoke Like Marijuana/Dopes, Cocaine, etc.- !?! Should it be Legalized ?!!! What's yer cumment on FREEDOM ?!!!

[Henri] I prefer just alcohol to make my head spin but sometimes a good puff from an occassional bong or a joint is more than welcome, if you know what I mean... :) So I let other people waste their brain on coke, speed, LSD etc. hard drugs... whatever makes them happy. And as long as their little addictions do not bother anyone else, it's ok for me. About freedom... I prefer it very much, and that is also a big reason for why I don't do any hard drugs.

[Ville] Coffee and alcohol are the only drugs I use frequently. I even don't smoke cigarettes, although I welcome a good joint now and then. I want to keep control of my intoxications and thus I won't submit to the use of any hard drugs. Legalizing cannabis and khat would be a great thing and it could prevent many problems in the society (related to criminal activity and the abuse of hard drugs), but all governments should still take a strong stand against all hard drugs and stop their distribution at any costs. For what comes to freedom, it is everyone's basic right but all people don't seem to get that.

[Mel Gibson] FREEDOM!!!

Some might said that a metal/band featured in the Web site/Internet and have already released more than 6 or more Albums in CD format is No Longer an Underground Band. What do you think of this !!? Why there are many restrictions for bands and individuals in Underground, is that right ?!!

[Henri] I think when a band sells over 20 000 records, it's pretty hard to label them as "underground". But basically, I consider all metal bands to be more or less underground, be it your local Burzum-cover band or some Bolt Thrower, if compared to the shit the mainstream is all about, like Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys or the Spice fuckin' Girls and anyone else who sells from 200 000 to ten million albums.

What Do yea think of Underground Publication such as Magazines/Fanzines, Netzines/Webzines for the Bands ?! Are they still needed for the Band's invasion in The Underground Scene worldwide ?!!! And What UNDERGROUND means to yea, is that so important. !!!

[Henri] I am what you would call a "scene-freak". I spend many hours a day reading underground publications, getting information of new bands, trying to contact different "scenesters" via internet... the underground is to me what Satan is to Glen Benton. Hail the underground!!! Hail scene!!!! Hail METAL!!!!!!

[Ville] Oh yeah, 'zines are the culmination of underground culture. Besides that I like reading them a lot, I am certain that they are of big help for the bands to get their name out there. At least there are many bands I have got interested in after reading an interview or a review of them. Underground as a conception is rather vague, but my part of it means a lot to me for sure.

If There were statement like this but correct me if I may wrong again... " Norway/Finland/Sweden or Other Scandinavian/Baltic Country is the Country for Black Metal Bands/Musicans and America is for Death metal Bands/Musicians ", Do you agree with it ?!!

[Henri] Basically, yes. But I wouldn't set any limits. It's just that somehow the Americans cannot do any good Black Metal nor that the North Europeans (except for the Swedes, of course) can make a decent Death Metal album. Maybe it's in the climate, heh. Honestly, I agree with you but I don't have a single clue why.

Anyway, Do yea have a Tattoo ?!! If Yes, How much to make a Tattoo and What is yer fave pictures ??? Let's say this as a Metal Musician, One should have a Tattoo !? Ha...ha...ha... Do yea agree with it ?!!!

[Henri] For years I've been wanting a tattoo, and the more of them the better, but every time I've finally planned to get one, meaning that I have the money for it, I've most likely/always woekn up next day with a terrible hangover knowing exactly where all the money I saved for the pictures had gone. Down the throat, down the throat... but tattoos are very metal!

[Ville] Tattoos are cool, but at least I do not have one yet. If I wanted a tattoo, I should anyway save something like $200 to get a suitably sized picture, and that really is nothing I have circling in my pocket everyday. Tattoos are very metal indeed, but getting one is up to each metalhead him/herself.

So, What can we expect for your future releases and Hope/Dreams in this 21 millenium century chaos celebration !!?

[Ville] Expect that we will be doing some gigs, writing new material, hanging around and drinking beer. We really have no strict plans for the next release or anything yet. Our hope is to become the best band ever and conquer the world, of course!

Well, I guess Here's the Last and really the last query !!! Ha...ha... I really apologized to ask many questions for yer band and As usual for the End of This fuckin' fuckin' long Intie, Your closing words brutally dominate here..

[Henri] Thank you for the intie. I hope you still have some room for it, as it seemed to "stretch" a little in the process. Hail Atifah 'zine! Hail Moonsorrow! Hail METAL!!!!!

[Ville] Geez, thanks for this mental exercise. Long interviews are enjoyable but enough is enough. :) Anyone reading this far deserves a place in Tuonela for sure. Keep the flag of METAL high!!

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