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Here you will find more than one hundred Moonsorrow interviews, many of which have already disappeared from where they were originally posted. Check the Index and Contact pages above and the notes in the left column for more info.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Aftermath webzine / April 1999

Moonsorrow from Finland has so far released two demos. Their last demo shows a greater symphonic edge to the band, which might lead the band to greater glory. As a presentation of the band, we let the band explain some more about themselves:

Hello there. Can you start off by telling the history of the band?

[Ville] Moonsorrow was formed in autumn 1995 by me and my cousin Henri from the urge to expand our musical expression onto a more profound level. Several months later we entered Henri's home "studio" with the intention to experiment recording process with Moonsorrow, and we came out with our first demo "Thorns Of Ice". However, we never released that tape due to reasons not to be explained here. Our official debut "Metsä" (Forest) was recorded in 1997. After "Metsä" we also recorded a two-song promotape but it encountered the fate of "Thorns Of Ice". "Tämä Ikuinen Talvi" (This Winter Eternal) could have been released in spring 1998, but certain curses (broken mixing table, ruined recordings etc.) prevented that from happening until January 1999.

Your latest demo shows a great step forward with better sound, and all in all better songs than the debut demo. How was the recording process, and are you happy with the result?

[Henri] Well, the recording process lasted for almost a year because we had serious problems with booking the studio and with equipment (as Ville just explained). To cut it short, all things that could go wrong, went wrong. Now we're however holding the result in our hands and I'd say we are pretty satisfied with it.

[Ville] I could actually say that "Tämä Ikuinen Talvi" is the best recording I have ever participated on. But of course the next Moonsorrow recording will be even better... (heh)

From where do you gather inspiration for the music you play? Any bands you are holding as of great inspiration?

[Henri] There is no music without any sources of inspiration, that's for sure. There are moods and situations which can be of more inspiration than others, nature being maybe the most important of them all. What comes into the inspirations musically, our compositions are logically affected by our musical taste. I would say that the music we make combines the whole wide range of different music styles we listen to, be it anything from 70s' prog to industrial/ambient.

[Ville] As for the lyrics, I might say that it's as difficult to point out any specific inspiration sources as for the music. I write whatever comes to my mind within a suitable concept, be it caused by personal experiences, nature, studying of history/legends or anything. My thoughts open to a kind of poetry which has so far supported the music very well in my opinion. It seems that I usually write when I'm a bit down, but I believe the reason to be that in melancholic state I can only think more clearly.

What are your future plans right now. Has there been some concrete response on the demo yet?

[Ville] Currently we are working with new material, I with the lyrics and Henri with the music as usually. We have took in a session drummer who might spice up our outcome a bit, although we haven't rehearsed with him yet. Many labels have been very encouraging after they have heard "Tämä Ikuinen Talvi", and it is well possible that we could record an album instead of the next demo. Wait and see...

From where can your demo be obtained? (websites, e-mail adresses, adresses+++)

[Ville] Both of our demos can be obtained from us (and of course from various supportive distributors). The price is 20fim inside Finland or $5 elsewhere and the addresses are VILLE SORVALI, PORVOONKATU 37 B 6, 00520 HELSINKI, FINLAND and HENRI SORVALI, ESKOLANTIE 12-14 G 83, 00720 HELSINKI, FINLAND. When contacting it is also recommended to ask for our free distribution list, by snail mail or email (wille@netlife.fi). No website has been created yet, but it should hopefully appear soon enough.

Allright, that should do for those into a presentation of Moonsorrow. Please end it with your final comments...

[Ville] Thank you for this opportunity to present Moonsorrow for your readers. Everyone interested is encouraged to get in touch! Follow thy heart and do not let others guide thee...

[Henri] Hail Haavard and good luck for the future. May the gods return!!

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