This is (or intends to be) a compilation of Moonsorrow interviews of all time, in any format: web, PDF, scanned magazines, video, audio... None of them are owned by me. All of them are linked to their original websites, when available. Everybody's contribution is accepted, encouraged and needed. Check Contact for details on how to add your interview, it'll take you one minute. Thanks!
Concerning language
All the interviews in here are copied and pasted in their original language. When an interview is available in several languages, all the versions will be copied. I may translate some into English myself; in that case it will be pointed out. Most of them are in English, though.
Now, if you want to translate an interview from any language into any other language, your contribution will be more than welcome! Just contact me.
Welcome to the Moonsorrow Interviews Compilation! Here you will find more than one hundred Moonsorrow interviews, many of which have already disappeared from where they were originally posted. Check the Index and Contact pages above and the notes in the left column for more info.
"Moonsorrow is one of the most inspiring Finnish epic pagan metal bands out there. Jerry had the pleasure to talk to these guys at Nordic Metal Cruise 2021. Tune in for some 30 min of talk."
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