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Monday, March 14, 2016

Nocturne Magazine / February 2016



Ville Sorvali, MOONSORROW - 'Music is a universal language'

Ville Sorvali, as he himself claims, is not a typical representative of his people. Although his pleasant, textbook Finnish looks may deceive you, Sorvali is the polar opposite of all the stereotypes commonly yet unfairly attributed to his countrymen: pleasant, talkative and friendly. And pretty modest at that, given the fact that he is the frontman of one of the most reputable bands in the so called "pagan metal" scene, MOONSORROW. In light of their new album coming out the band has decided to record a video for its first single in Belgrade, so we met with the singer to talk over a few beers about the new material, the inspiration for their lyrics, upcoming tours and many other subjects.
Hello and thank you for agreeing to do this interview. Your new album “Jumalten Aika” will be out April 1st, five years after your latest offering. This is also the longest brake you’ve made between two albums, so have these extra few years off contributed to the overall result in any way, because of having more time to write and record?
Ville: Well yes, because I think we’ve made our best album so far. But I have to be honest, we didn’t spend five years making this album. We started in 2012 and at some point we realized that the material we had written wasn’t going in the direction where we wanted to go, so we had to clean the table and start all over again, to get the time to actually figure out what we wanted to do, how Moonsorrow should sound like at the moment. So we actually started writing these songs in 2014.
How would you compare “Jumalten Aika” to the previous record? Anything you’ve done differently this time around?
Ville: The main difference is that the two previous ones were really massive albums. We wanted to make songs this time, so we now have five different songs that you can take out of the album if you wanted to and enjoy them as just songs. But obviously, as we've discussed earlier, I wouldn’t recommend that to anyone. I still believe in listening to albums from the beginning to the end, without distractions. (laughs)
This will be your first album for Century Media Records, how are you satisfied with your collaboration so far?
Ville: I’m really satisfied. Of course, we haven’t released the album yet so there’s no telling how it’s going to sell and how happy the people at the office will be about the sales. But everything else has gone really smooth. They really supported us, even during the five-year break. They still believed that we would make the album and when we do it would be a great one, so thank them for their support. As you know, we signed the deal back in 2012.
The cover of this album is straight back to old-school, and although I haven’t heard the album I think it is very effective. Who was in charge of art and how did you decide on this minimalist, black and white approach?
Ville: I guess we had the idea of black and white artwork in mind even before we started writing. After we started writing it was really clear that black and white would fit the concept, and we gave the task to our friend, an artist from Finland by the name of Ritual who has made a lot of logos and album covers. He has a very black metal style which we like and we thought that it would really fit this album. I asked him if he can draw a cover, and we didn’t really even give him the instructions. And then when we saw it we said “yeah, it’s in the right direction, please finish it”.
Any chance the music would follow the cover, going back to old-school a bit?
Ville: One might say so. We have a lot of obvious black metal influences from the 90’s there and a lot of ancient, primitive sounding folk music. We’ve always had folk influences, but this time we wanted to make it sound really primordial. I think the whole album is kind of black and gray, if you visualize it.
An interview with Ville Sorvali of Moonsorrow
You are in Belgrade recording parts for a music video. Can you give us a few details about it or at least tell us what song you are recording a video for?
Ville: We’re recording the video for the third song on the album, “Suden tunti”. I can’t reveal any details because we want to keep it a surprise. But you saw one still, and that’s going to be a part of the video but that’s not going to be all. There are going to be other parts as well. It’s going to be a really interesting video.
This time around you chose to cover Grave and Rotting Christ for the bonus material. How did you land on covering these two bands?
Ville: I think it was pretty spontaneous. We decided that on the first day in the studio actually. We got these songs in our heads and because we thought of them so quickly we realized we have to record them. And Grave and Rotting Christ, and especially those albums, were a really big influence on all of us on a personal level, before Moonsorrow even existed.
Is the new record a conceptual album and is there a common idea or a theme connecting the songs?
Ville: It’s not as conceptual as the previous one, it’s not one story that goes from the beginning to the end. But there is a theme behind it. We wanted to explore myths a bit more in detail. And all of those songs are based on certain myths but we took the liberty of making our own interpretations of them and built our own stories, so they are basically just inspired by these myths.
Apart from mythology and folklore, where else do you draw inspiration for your lyrics?
Ville: Nature, definitely. It’s the basic essence of the whole band. And of course the stuff that happens in my weird mind.
When you compose which comes first – the lyrics or the music?
Ville: In the early days we used to do it quite straightforward as we used to do music first and the lyrics later. But lately, and especially with this album, we’ve been working closely with my cousin, the main composer [Henri Sorvali], so that we have constant discussions like what the songs are going to be like musically and what are they going to be telling about lyrically. So we made sure we kept the same direction at all times. So we do it at the same time, but I write the final lyrics only when a song is finished because of the structure.
Given that your lyrics are exclusively in Finnish, how well is your music received around the world, since you nearly traveled all four corners? Do you see people singing along in the crowd often?
Ville: I’d say that the fans are taking it surprisingly well. When we were recording our demos we definitely never dreamed of playing outside of Finland and just two weeks from now we’re going to China. So it is really weird, but it proves a point that music is a universal language. It doesn’t actually matter what language you are singing in if the music is strong enough to transmit the feeling, and it is strong enough.
I have to say that I admire how you’ve been persistent with singing in your native language for all these years but also have to ask whether there has ever been any pressure by the record companies or anyone to record in English because it would sell better? Or to record a double album, one in Finnish and one in English with the same music?
Ville: No, not really. That was one of the main points we made to Century Media when we were in discussions. And they were almost offended, they said: “You don’t even have to point that out. We know what your band is about. We would actually forbid you from changing the language.”
Ville Sorvali, Moonsorrow
We’ve seen an absurd rise in political correctness in the scene in the past couple of years. Does this affect you in any way, given that you deal with pagan subjects? Have you ever experienced unpleasant situations because of your lyrics or your beliefs?
Ville: Yes we had. There was one incident in Germany on the European Tour in 2008 when one guy who said he was linked to Anti-Fa threatened to cancel one of our concerts. He claimed he had the power to cancel it. And there was a huge fuss, and we had to make a statement. And in the end everything was great. I know where these misunderstandings come from, but there is really no point behind it because the symbols we use are several thousands of years old, at best.  
I asked this question because, as you’ve probably heard, Swallow The Sun gig was recently cancelled in Dubai because of alleged devil worshiping, and Down was cancelled after the Phil Anselmo incident.
Ville: Oh, I didn’t know about that.
Yeah, FortaRock cancelled their appearance, even after he apologized.
Ville: It wasn’t a wise move what he did, but then again they shouldn’t make such a big fuss about it. And we’ve always kept ourselves away from politics. We are a deeply spiritual band, and politics don’t have a place in that, most definitely.
You stated before that you’d be cutting out the long songs in the future, but the new album features tracks with length up to 16 minutes. What exactly is your definition of long (laughs)?
Ville: Well, the definition is that the album has a short song. It’s only seven minutes long. (laughs)
Jokes aside, how difficult is it to come up with a setlist when your average song is around 13 minutes long, and you now have 7 albums behind you?
Ville: Incredibly difficult. It’s almost like alchemy when we are making a Moonsorrow setlist because of the long songs you have to make a dynamic setlist, and you have to be artistic. And there is another side to it, basically mathematics. If your contract says you are playing for an hour, you are playing for an hour. Definitely not longer, but not 50 minutes either, because the organizer wouldn’t be happy about that. So you have to get as close to 60 minutes as possible with the songs we have, so it is really difficult.
You can always throw in sing-alongs for good measure.
Ville: Yeah (laughs)
Can you tell us something about the upcoming documentary about the band: “Home of the Wind: A History of Moonsorrow”? I saw the teaser, and needless to say it looks spectacular!
Ville: It’s going to be something really extraordinary. I can’t really tell much about it because it’s this Spanish-Argentinian team behind that, and we gave them permission to do that. We are going to give as much background information as we can and we are going to supervise it, but it’s still them who are doing it. We are still waiting for the first draft because it’s so extensive I believe they are still in the pre-production phase. They have to contact all these people they want to interview and everything. It’s going to take time, but it’s going to be worth it.
Do they have any release dates set?
Ville: It’s still up in the air.
Were you surprised when you got a call from a Spanish-Argentinian team to do a documentary about a Finnish band?
Ville: Actually no. We were surprised many years earlier when the same Spanish guy contacted us and asked if he can write a very extensive biography. That’s when we were surprised, but now that we know him, well not so much. He made the biography, it’s very long and covers all the facts, facts that even I didn’t remember myself. We knew that this was definitely the guy who should be making the documentary.
You mentioned that you will be touring China in the beginning of March. You were there before, so I’m guessing that the crowd was pleased since you are going back?
Ville: Well I hope they were pleased. We’ve been there once before, and it was exotic to say the least.
Have you had to make any compromises regarding the setlist? We know of cases where bands like Metallica or Megadeth have had to play without some of the lyrics and even remove some of the fan-favorites from the list.
Ville: Well no one told us anything, at least not yet. We are still waiting for the government approvals. But there is nothing political in our music, and I hope the authorities in China understand that as well. All of us may have our own opinion about such governments, but we are not saying it out loud because we want to go there and play for our fans that don’t want anything to do with the government, just want to hear good live music. We definitely don’t want to make it any harder.
After that you are bound for a European tour with your country mates from Korpiklaani. How is it touring with them, given that your style is different, even though you are both often labeled folk metal?
Ville: I think we’re actually two opposite sides of the same coin. We come from the same background and although we’re in a totally different place we share a lot of the same audience. And it helps that we are really good friends among the bands and we enjoy touring together.
You have been around for a bit more than 20 years, and you have definitely left a mark by influencing some younger band, for example German band Finsterfrost. What does it feel like to close that circle, and go from being the influenced to influencing someone young?
Ville: Well, we are still influenced by the same bands we were influenced by at the beginning. Everything about it makes me feel weird and humbled, because 20 years ago I just wanted to make and play some good music. I definitely didn’t think we would be influencing anyone. It’s really special that a lot of bands mention us as their influence. But at the same time the impact that Moonsorrow and the other original folk bands have had on the scene has been quite disastrous as well, because there have been a lot of uninteresting and unspiritual music around.
Do you have any favorite young bands that are influenced by your style?
Ville: That’s actually a good question, because I’m not even sure which bands would be influenced by us and which are not. In Finland it’s even more difficult to relate to anything because we know all the people from all the bands, so it doesn’t really matter who’s influencing whom.
That’s all for this interview, do you have any messages for Serbian fans and the readers of Nocturne magazine?
Ville: I do, as we were just talking about it. It doesn’t depend on the band, it depends on the wise men around the band, in the business. I have to apologize that we never came here, and we will definitely do our best to make it happen and try to play not only Serbia but the entire region.

Autor: Jovan Ristić
Fotograf: Aleksa Vitorović


Ville Sorvali, MOONSORROW - 'Muzika je univerzalan jezik'

Ville Sorvali, kako sam kaže, nije tipičan predstavnik svog naroda. Iako njegov prijatan izgled svakidašnjeg Finca može da vas zavara, Sorvali je sušta suprotnost stereotipa koji se često nepravedno pripisuje ovom narodu: prijatan, pričljiv i druželjubiv. I prilično skroman, s obzirom na činjenicu da je frontmen jednog od najcenjenijih pripadnika takozvanog "pagan metal" pokreta, benda MOONSORROW. Uoči izdavanja novog albuma bend je odlučio da spot za prvi singl snimi upravo u Beogradu, te smo se sreli sa pevačem ovog sastava i uz par piva proćaskali o novom materjalu, inspiracijama za tekstove, predstojećim koncertnim aktivnostima i brojnim drugim temama.
Pozdrav i hvala što si pristao na ovaj intervju. Vaš novi album “Jumalten Aika” izlazi 1. aprila, pet godina nakon prethodnog izdanja. Ovo je najduža pauza koju ste napravili između dva albuma do sada. Da li je tih par godina pauze doprinelo konačnom rezultatu kako ste imali više vremena da komponujete i snimate materijal?
Ville: Pa da, zato što mislim da smo snimili naš najbolji album do sada. Ali moram biti iskren, nismo svih pet godina snimali ovaj album. Počeli smo sa radom 2012. godine i u jednom trenutku shvatili da materijal koji imamo nije išao u pravcu u kom smo želeli da krenemo, tako da smo sve obrisali sa table i krenuli ispočetka, kako bismo imali vremena da shvatimo gde želimo da idemo i kako bend Moonsorrow treba da zvuči u tom trenutku. Tako da smo zapravo počeli sa radom na albumu tek 2014. godine.
Kako bi uporedio album “Jumalten Aika” sa prethodnim? Da li ste nešto uradili drugačije ovog puta?
Ville: Glavna razlika je to što su prethodna dva albuma bila masivna. Hteli smo da se fokusiramo na pesme ovog puta, tako da imamo pet zasebnih pesama koje možete slušati van konteksta albuma ako to želite i uživati u njima kao posebnim delima. Mada, kao što znaš pošto smo malopre pričali o tome, ne bih to preporučio. Ja i dalje verujem u slušanje albuma od početka do kraja, bez ikakvih smetnji (smeh).
Ovo je vaš prvi album za izdavačku kuću Century Media. Da li ste zadovoljni sa saradnjom do sada?
Ville: Veoma smo zadovoljni. Naravno, još uvek nismo izdali album pa ne znamo kako će se prodavati i da li će ljudi u kancelariji biti zadovoljni prodajom. Ali sve ostalo je išlo glatko. Podržavali su nas u potpunosti, čak i tokom petogodišnje pauze. I tada su verovali da ćemo pre ili kasnije snimiti album i da će biti sjajan, tako da im na tome hvala. Kao što znate, ugovor smo potpisali još 2012. godine.
Omot novog albuma je prilično old-school, i smatram da je veoma efektan, iako očigledno još uvek nisam čuo album. Ko je bio zadužen za omot i kako ste se odlučili za ovaj minimalistički, crno-beli pristup?
Ville: Pretpostavljam da smo imali crno-beli omot na umu još pre nego što smo počeli sa komponovanjem albuma. Nakon što smo krenuli sa radom bilo je jasno da će se crno-beli omot slagati uz koncept, i zadužili smo finskog umetnika koji se zove Ritual koji je već radio sa dosta bendova. Na njegov stil je jako uticala black metal estetika što nam se svidelo i smatrali smo da će taj stil sjajno ići uz novi album. Pitali smo ga da nam nacrta omot, pritom mu nismo ni dali jasne instrukcije. Kada smo videli skicu rekli smo "Da, ovo ide u pravom smeru, završi ga".
Ima li šanse da će muzika pratiti omot i naginjati ka old-school zvuku?
Ville: Moglo bi se reći. Na nas je dosta uticala black metal scena 90-ih, a na albumu ima i dosta drevne, primitivne folk muzike. Oduvek smo imali folk uticaja, ali ovog puta smo hteli da to zvuči potpuno iskonski. Mislim da je zvuk albuma crno-siv, kada bismo ga vizualizovali.
An interview with Ville Sorvali of Moonsorrow
Trenutno si u Beogradu gde snimaš delove za novi spot. Da li bi mogao da nam daš par detalja o istom ili bar za koju pesmu radite spot?
Ville: Radimo spot za treću pesmu na albumu, koja se zove "Suden tunti". Ne mogu da otkrijem detalje zato što ne želim da pokvarim iznenađenje. Ali video si jednu sliku sa snimanja, i to će biti deo tog spota ali ne i cela radnja. Biće i drugih scena. Biće to veoma interesantan spot.
Ovog puta ste snimili obrade bendova Grave i Rotting Christ kao bonus materijal za novi album. Kako ste se odlučili baš za ove bendove?
Prilično spontano. Zapravo smo odlučili još prvog dana u studiju. Imali smo te pesme na umu i baš zato što smo se tako brzo setili njih shvatili smo da treba da ih snimimo. Bendovi Grave i Rotting Christ, posebno ti albumi, su imali jak lični uticaj na sve nas i pre nego što je bend Moonsorrow uopšte postojao.
Da li je novi album konceptualan? Postoji li neka ideja ili tema koja povezuje pesme?
Ville: Nije konceptualan kao prethodni, ne prati samo jednu priču od početka do kraja. Ali postoji zajednička tema. Hteli smo da detaljnije obradimo mitove. Sve pesme su zasnovane na nekom mitu ali smo dali sebi slobode da stvorimo svoje interpretacije istih i napišemo svoje priče, koje su u osnovi samo inspirisane tim mitovima.
Osim mitologije i folklora odakle crpiš inspiraciju za tekstove?
Ville: Definitivno iz prirode. Ona predstavlja srž benda. I naravno iz stvari koje se odvijaju u mom čudnom umu.
Kada komponujete na čemu prvo radite, na tekstovima ili muzici?
Ville: Ranije smo bili prilično direktni i prvo radili na muzici pa onda na tekstovima. Ali u poslednje vreme, a posebno na novom albumu, blisko smo sarađivali sa mojim rođakom, glavnim kompozitorom u bendu [Henri Sorvali] i stalno smo vodili razgovore o tome u kom pravcu će pesme ići muzički i o čemu će pevati tekstualno. Tako da smo nastojali da sve vreme budemo na istom. Tako da radimo to paralelno, ali ja pišem konačan tekst tek nakon što snimimo muziku zbog strukture.
S obzirom da su vam tekstovi isključivo na finskom, koliko je vaša muzika prihvaćena širom sveta, s obzirom da ste posetili sve četiri strane istog? Da li često vidite ljude kako pevaju u publici?
Ville: Rekao bih da nas fanovi izuzetno dobro prihvataju uprkos tome. Kada smo snimali prve demo snimke definitivno nismo ni sanjali da ćemo svirati van Finske, a za dve nedelje putujemo u Kinu. Tako da veoma je neobično, ali dokazuje da je muzika univerzalan jezik. Zapravo nije bitno na kom jeziku pevate ako je muzika dovoljno snažna da prenese emociju, a verujem da jeste.
Moram reći da se divim vašoj istrajnosti da pevate na maternjem jeziku ali isto tako moram da pitam da li je ikada bilo pritiska od strane izdavača ili bilo koga sa strane da snimite album na engleskom zato što bi se bolje prodavao? Ili da snimite dupli album, sa engleskom i finskom verzijom?
Ville: Ne, zapravo nije. To je bila jedna od prvih stavki koje smo izneli ljudima iz izdavačke kuće Century Media kada smo vodili pregovore. Oni su skoro pa bili uvređeni time i rekli nam: "Ne morate čak ni napomenuti to. Znamo kakav ste bend. Zapravo bismo vam zabranili da promenite jezik."
Ville Sorvali, Moonsorrow
U poslednje vreme svedoci smo širenju političke korektnosti u apsurdnim razmerama. Da li je ovo uticalo na vas na bilo koji način, s obzirom da se bavite paganskom tematikom. Da li ste ikada imali loših iskustava zbog vaših tekstova i uverenja?
Ville: Jesmo. Imali smo jedan incident u Nemačkoj tokom evropske turneje 2008. godine, kada je jedan lik koji je tvrdio da je povezan sa Anti-Fa pokretom pretio da će otkazati naš nastup. Tvrdio je da ima moć da otkaže svirku. Napravila se velika frka oko toga, morali smo i da dajemo zvanične izjave. Ali na kraju je sve odlično prošlo. Razumem odakle takvi nesporazumi potiču, ali zaista nema povoda za njih zato što su simboli koje koristimo stari i po više hiljada godina.
Pitam zato što je, kao što verovatno znaš, koncert benda Swallow The Sun nedavno otkazan u Dubaiju zbog navodnog obožavanja đavola. Takođe je otkazan koncert benda Down na jednom festivalu nakon incidenta u kome se našao Phil Anselmo.
Ville: Nisam znao za to.
Da, organizatori festivala FortaRock su otkazali nastup, iako se prethodno izvinio.
Ville: Ta njegova izjava svakako nije bila mudra, ali takođe ne bi trebalo praviti toliku frku oko toga. Mi smo se oduvek držali van politike. Mi smo duboko spiritualan bend, a politici tu nije mesto.
Izjavili ste da ćete u budućnosti prestati da snimate duge pesme, a na novom albumu imate pesme po 15 i 16 minuta. Koja je zapravo vaša definicija duge pesme (smeh)?
Ville: Pa definicija je to da na albumu imamo i kratku pesmu. Samo sedam minuta dugu. (smeh)
Šalu na stranu, koliko je teško sklopiti set-listu kada je prosečna dužina vaših pesama oko 15 minuta, a imate sedam albuma iza sebe?
Ville: Izuzetno teško. Proces sklapanja set-liste za nastup benda Moonsorrow je sličan alhemiji, zbog tih dugih pesama i činjenice da morate sastaviti dinamičnu set-listu, koja mora imati umetničku vrednost. Druga strana toga je u osnovi matematika. Ako u ugovoru stoji da svirate sat vremena, sviraćete sat vremena. Svakako ne duže ali ne ni 50 minuta, zato što se to organizatoru ne bi dopalo. Tako da morate da se približite toj minutaži što više možete sa pesmama koje imate, tako da je izuzetno teško.
Uvek možete ubaciti deo gde terate publiku da peva.
Ville: Da, naravno (smeh).
Možeš li nam reći nešto više o predstojećem dokumentarcu koji se zove “Home of the Wind: A History of Moonsorrow”? Video sam reklamu, i moram priznati da izgleda spektakularno!
Ville: To će biti zaista vrhunski dokumentarac! Ne mogu da vam kažem mnogo više od toga zato što jedan špansko-argentinski tim radi na tome, mi smo im samo dali dozvolu. Daćemo im što više informacija i nadgledaćemo proces, ali oni su ti koji su zaduženi za izradu dokumentarca. Još uvek čekamo prvu verziju zato što je zaista sveobuhvatan i verujem da su još uvek u fazi pred-produkcije. Ostalo je da kontaktiraju sve ljude koje treba da intervjuišu. Trebaće im vremena, ali će biti vredno čekanja.
Da li imaju neki okviran datum izlaska?
Ville: Ne, ništa nije fiksirano.
Da li ste bili iznenađeni kada vam je špansko-argentinski tim prišao za željom da radi dokumentarac o jednom finskom sastavu?
Ville: Zapravo ne. Bili smo iznenađeni pre mnogo godina kada nam je isti taj tip iz Španije prišao sa željom da napiše veoma opširnu biografiju benda. Tada smo bili iznenađeni, ali sada kada ga poznajemo i ne toliko. Napisao je biografiju koja je izuzetno duga i pokriva sve činjenice, stvari kojih se ni sam ne sećam. Znali smo da je ovo definitivno osoba koja treba da snimi ovaj dokumentarac.
Pomenuo si da ćete ići na turneju po Kini početkom marta. Već ste bili tamo, pa verujem da je reakcija publike bila dobra s obzirom da se vraćate?
Nadam se da su bili zadovoljni nastupima. Bili smo tamo jednom i veoma je egzotično, u najmanju ruku.
Da li ste morali da napravite neke kompromise sa listom pesama? Čuli smo da Metallica i Megadeth morali da izostave neke poznatije pesme ili sviraju neke delove bez pevanja.
Niko nam ništa nije pomenuo, bar za sada. Još uvek čekamo na odobrenja od vlade. Ali u našoj muzici nema političkih tema i nadam se da će vlasti u Kini to razumeti. Svi mi možda imamo svoja mišljenja o takvim vladama ali ih ne iznosimo naglas zato što želimo da odemo tamo i sviramo za fanove koji ne žele da se bave politikom već da čuju dobru muziku uživo. Definitivno ne želimo da sebi to otežavamo.
Nakon toga idete na evropsku turneju sa zemljacima iz benda Korpiklaani. Kakav je osećaj ići na turneju sa njima, s obzirom da su vaši stilovi različiti iako oba benda nose etiketu folk metala.
Mislim da smo zapravo dve strane istog novčića. Delimo istu pozadinu i uprkos tome što negujemo različite stilove delimo dobar deo publike. Pomaže i to što smo prijatelji sa članovima tog benda i što uživamo u zajedničkim turnejama.
Na sceni ste preko 20 godina i ostavili ste trag na istu, čemu svedoči činjenica da dosta bendova navodi Moonsorrow kao uticaj, recimo nemački sastav Finsterfrost. Kakav je osećaj zatvoriti taj krug i preći put od benda koji ima uticaje do benda koji drugi navode kao uticaj.
Ville: Mi i dalje crpimo inspiraciju iz istih bendova kao i na početku karijere. Sve vezano za to čini da se osetim čudno i ponizno, zato što sam pre 20 godina samo želeo da sviram dobru muziku. Definitivno nisam razmišljao o tome da ćemo nekome biti uticaj. Zaista je neverovatno to što nas dosta bendova doživljava kao inspiraciju. Ali u isto vreme je uticaj koji je bend Moonsorrow, i ostali koji su pripadali prvom talasu folk metala, imao doneo i katastrofalne efekte, zato što je iz toga izniklo i dosta neinteresantne muzike koja nema nikakvu duhovnu vrednost.
Da li imaš nekog favorita među tim mlađim bendovima koji navode Moonsorrow kao uticaj?
Ville: To je zapravo dobro pitanje, zato što nisam siguran na koga smo uticali a na koga ne. U Finskoj je još teže to proceniti zato što poznajemo ljude iz svih tih bendova, pa i nije bitno ko je uticao na koga.
To je sve za ovaj intervju. Hvala ti puno i da li imaš neku poruku za fanove u Srbiji i regionu i čitaoce Nocturne magazina.
Imam, baš malopre smo pričali o tome. Ne zavisi od benda, već mudraca koji nas okružuju i koji se bave poslovnom stranom benda. Dugujem vam izvinjenje što nikada nismo svirali ovde, i potrudićemo se da se to desi i da sviramo ne samo u Srbiji već u čitavom regionu.
Autor: Jovan Ristić
Fotograf: Aleksa Vitorović

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