Serbian: Link 1 | Link 2
Monarch: Well, since your last „V: Havitetty” album has been released recently, tell me, what do you think about Jim Carey and his movies? :) Did you watch an Ace Ventura film? :D
Marko: Excellent movies all of them!
Monarch: Ok, now be serious. When did the composing of songs for new album start, how long did it take, and tell how that process of making album going in MoonSorrow band?
Marko: I think the first ideas for these new songs came in the beginning of 2006 but the actual writing process started in March/April 2006. So it was written quite quickly. The arrangements took most of the time. Mostly it’s Henri who’s responsible for the music. I’ve contributed him since Voimasta… album and we work with the arrangements together heavily before rehearsing with the other band. Ville writes all the lyrics.
Monarch: In which studio did you record? Who was the producer?
Marko: At Tico-Tico studio where we have recorded all our albums. Produced by Henri Sorvali.
Monarch: What is the most exhausting thing at making an album? And what do you hate the most about it?
Marko: After the recording and mixing the most irritating is the waiting of the release date. The best thing is to record the drums and backing vocals / choirs.
Monarch: How do you know that album is 100% finished?
Marko: Well, usually it is finished when Henri says so.
Monarch: How much is, by your opinion, „V: Havitetty” original album, and how much do you care about making an original music?
Marko: I think Hävitetty has the least rip-off material of all our albums, hehe! Of course this time we tried to do something very different from the music you hear everyday. And I think we succeeded very well!
Monarch: What’s the story of album? Does it have a message, and stuff?
Marko: There’s an end-of-the-world concept through the whole album. It reflects the old beliefs that the new world will be born after the old one dies and it’s kind of adapted into this day. Just watch the news and you know what it is all about. Most of it is Ville’s feelings and some mythological symbolics.
Monarch: How much time do you need to get an idea into work? That is, how much time do you need from getting an idea to finishing a project?
Marko: Usually it takes half a year from the very start to finish an album.
Monarch: What takes you more time, "spiritual creating" or technical part?
Marko: Spiritual part naturally. Playing comes just naturally. We hardly ever rehearse.
Monarch: How do you feel when you finish some of your project? Do you feel release or you're sorry for finishing something for what you binded during the creation? And, when it's all over, and in stores, do you wish to change any part, play something in a different way, or cut something out??
Marko: We’ve always been satisfied and proud of our work and we still are proud of our past albums. Of course there are things we could do better now but that’s our history and it reflects how things were at that time. For example our 2nd album has some very good songs but the sound production was rushed because the lack of time in the studio. Today we have much better studio budget and that can be heard from the result too.
Monarch: You’re on tour now… So, how is that going? Are the reactions on the new material good? How do you usually warm up before the show?
Marko: The European tour ended a couple of weeks ago. It went really well. It was nice touring with our fellow countrymen Swallow The Sun. I really like playing the new material live. It can be boring to some people in the audience and especially for those who still think we’re just a folk metal band, haha! Warm-up? Nothing special, just pour some blood over ourselves and go berserk on stage!
Monarch: From which country do you get the best reactions?
Marko: Holland, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech…
Monarch: What’s your grade about today’s metal scene, and whose metal are you into the most?
Marko: I don’t follow the scene of today so much. I listen to so many different kind of music (prog, ambient, elektro, soundtracks, punk, jazz….) besides metal. I’m not so much into black metal. I think it’s quite boring. I prefer old school Scandinavian death metal (Entombed, Dismember, Unleashed…) or some American bands (Autopsy, Death, Obituary…). It’s still nice to bang your head with those classics. But more and more I’m losing my way out to different styles of music. Out from metal. Maybe I’m just getting old, haha!
Monarch: If a ghost from a lamp appears and asks you about three wishes, which would they be?
Marko: 1. Peace in the world, 2. Free beer everywhere, 3. Autopsy reunion :D
Monarch: That would be all for now. Thank you a lot for interview. Do you maybe have some (wise) message to our readers?
Marko: Wise indeed, buy “V:Hävitetty” because it will crush you anyway! Thx for the intie. Cheers & mosh!
Monarch of the Mighty Darkness
SERBIAN VERSION (incomplete, for some unknown reason)
„V: Havitetty” je novo čedo sastava Moonsorrow koje je izbacio izdavač Spinefarm Records. O ovom albumu, Marko T. govori.
Monarch: Pa, pošto je album „V: Havitetty” nedavno izdat, reci mi, šta misliš o Jim Carey-u i njegovim filmovima? :) Jesi li gledao Ace Ventura film? :D
Marko: Svi njegovi filmovi su genijalni!
Monarch: OK, a sada budi ozbiljan.
Kada je komponovanje pesama za novi album počelo, koliko je trajalo, i reci kako obično taj process kreiranja albuma teče u Moonsorrow taboru?
Marko: Mislim da su prve ideje za ove nove pesme došle negde početkom 2006-e godine, ali je konkretan process pisanja započet u Martu/Aprilu 2006-e. Pa, bilo je napisano vrlo brzo. Aranžmani su zahtevali najviše vremena. Najčešće je Henri onaj ko je odgovoran za muziku. Radim s njim još od Voimasta… albuma i radimo zajedno na aranžmanima. Ville piše sve tekstove.
Monarch: U kojem ste studiu snimali i ko je bio producent?
Marko: At Tico-Tico studio, gde smo snimali sve naše albume. Produkciju je radio Henri Sorvali.
Monarch: Šta je za tebe najiscrpljujuća stvar kod pravljenja albuma? I šta najviše ne voliš oko svega toga?
Marko: Posle snimanja i miksovanja najiritirajuća stvar je čekanje datuma izdavanja. Ali najbolja stvar je snimanje bubnjeva kao i pratećih vokala / horova.
Monarch: Kako znaš da je album 100% gotov?
Marko: Pa, obično je završen kada Henri kaže da je završen.
Monarch: Koliko je po tvom mišljenju „V: Havitetty” originalan album, i da li ste ti uopšte trudiš da napraviš originalnu muziku?
Marko: Mislim da je Hävitetty bar najmanji promašaj od svih naših albuma, hehe!
Ovog puta smo se trudili da napravimo nešto drugačije od muzike koju čujes svakog dana. Mislim da smo dosta uspeli u tome!
Monarch: Koja je priča albuma?
Marko: Tu je “end-of-the-world” koncept kroz ceo album. On reflektuje stara verovanja da će novi svet biti rođen tek posle umiranja starog, kao i njegovog roda. Samo gledaj vesti i znaćeš o čemu je sve. I, veći deo Ville-ovog osećaja, i ponešto mitoloških simbola ima.
Monarch: Koliko ti vremena treba, da ideju sprovedeš u delo? Tj. koliko ti vremena treba od ideje do gotovog projekta?
Marko: Obično je to oko pola godine, od samog starta do završavanja albuma.
Monarch: Da li ti više vremena treba za “duhovno stvaralaštvo”, ili za tehničko sprovođenje ideje u praktično delo?
Marko: Spiritual part naturally. Playing comes just naturally. We hardly ever rehearse. Duhovno stvaralaštvo. Sviranje dođe prirodno. Teško da ikada vežbamo.
Monarch: Kako se osećaš kad “staviš tačku” na neki svoj projekat? Osećaš li olakšanje, ili ti je žao što si završio nešto, za šta si se vezao u toku stvaranja? I, kad je sve gotovo, u prodavnicama, da li ti se desi da poželiš da neki deo promeniš, odsviraš na nekii drugačiji način, ili nešto izbaciš??
Marko: Uvek smo bili zadovoljni i ponosni našim radom i još uvek smo ponosni na naše stare albume. Naravno da ima stvari koje bismo uradili bolje, ali to je sada naša istorija i ona reflektuje kako su neke stvari tada bile. Na primer, naš drugi album ima veoma dobre pesme ali je produkcija loša zbog nedostatka vremena u studiu, jer je sve snimano kao u nekakvoj žurbi. Danas imamo veći studio budžet što se može čuti iz današnjeg rezultata.
Monarch: Sada ste na turneji, pa, kako ide s tim? Jesu li rekacije na novi album dobre? I kako se obično zagrevate pre nastupa?
Marko: Evropska turneja je zapravo nedavno završena. Sve je prošlo stvarno dobro. Bilo je lepo biti na turneji sa našim drugarima Swallow the Sun. Stvarno sam uživao dok sam svirao novi materijal. Mada, možda je bilo dosadno nekima iz publike, posebno onima koj
Monarch of the Mighty Darkness
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